Thursday, January 22, 2009


Recently i've been thinking about.. (some of these will sound random)
- midterms.. i need to really really focus on studying...
- grad transition plan... i should get started on that
- physical hours... i need to get Au to sign my sheets still. ooh and i have to do that fitness plan thing.
- DQ... i need to stop going there. We've been going there everyday now it seems for the last 2 weeks. We're becoming "the norm" over there. LOL. All that food is ruining my figure... HAHAH jk.
- school as a whole... need another break so i can chill all the time.
- ps3... need a wireless router so i can go online w/o disconnecting the internet on my comp. =/
- working out... i need to get back to that. i'm getting into a bad habit of sitting down all the time when i'm at home.
- msn... no longer talking to the usuals.. feels different. not in a bad way though.. haha.
- Post-Secondary.. still have no clue what i wanna do and where i'm going... D:
- friends... which ones will i stay in contact with after high school?
- How things were in grade 11- early grade 12... lots of good times.
- Job hunting... i need $$$ really bad. ahha